Okay, so in the last post we talked a lot about what to do and what not to do when it comes to cold email. Today, we’re going to be taking actionable steps so that you can actually get some cold email leads.

One thing that I want to make clear when it comes to these cold leads:

Don’t email them from your autoresponder.

Use the simple Gmail account that you created at the beginning of this newsletter to email these particular leads, individually, one at a time.

Now I know that sounds really inconvenient and slow, but it is in your best interest. The fact of the matter is, these leads are completely cold and you’re at a high risk for them labeling you as spam if you try to email a bunch of them all at once.

You have to be careful because you don’t want your autoresponder to get upset and terminate your account. So as you get a handful of cold leads, it’s better to just email them from your standard Gmail account individually with a simple goal of just getting them on your warm organic list through opt-in.

So, how do you get these cold leads?


I’m gonna give you a simple method to use here today, and then in the next post, I’ll give you a few more. What I want you to do is email these cold leads using the template I’m going to provide below.

Uplead(dot)com is a place where you can get five leads for free. All you have to do is simply create an account and sign up for a free 7 day trial.

You don’t have to enter any credit card information or anything like that. Just make sure to use a Gmail account when you register; they don’t accept Yahoo emails for whatever reason.

When you are inside the software, there will be different categories. Pick the one closest to your niche and get your leads. You will have 5 free credits. 1 credit = 1 lead.

Now that you have your first five free cold leads, let me give you a template for an email to send to them:



I’m [enter your name here], and I was referred to you from Uplead for people interested and working in [your niche.]

The reason I was reaching out is because I thought you might be interested in joining my free newsletter on the subject. I created a free cheat sheet on [whatever your free thing solves] which you can find here if interested:

[link to your lead capture page]

Thanks for your time. I’m looking to build a strong newsletter in the [enter your niche] space that provides value and helps people in the niche.

If you’re not interested, feel free to delete this message. I understand and won’t keep pestering you. But…I’m really excited about the newsletter and looking to make some strong connections with others in the space.

Hope to see you on the newsletter!

[Your Name]

[Your business]

[Your website]

[Your email]


Okay, use this template. Notice how it’s pretty transparent and unassuming.

Model it to fit your niche and your market, and email those 5 leads you got from Uplead, one at a time. Now the truth is, you have no idea how these people will respond.

On average, cold email response rate is around 1%, so if we use that logic, you would need to email 100 of these cold leads before you would get somebody on your list from cold emailing.

So, that being said, don’t get frustrated if you don’t see amazing results right away. Keep it in perspective. This is just another way to build your list — a tool in your tool box.

In the next post, we’ll talk about some more ways to get free cold leads. And we’ll talk about a way to automate the process a little bit.

In the meantime, take some action on this method. Email all five of your cold leads and see if you can get some of them to opt in to your warm organic list.

It might seem like we’re taking things pretty slowly considering how fast and how many cold leads that you truly can acquire (which is a lot.) What I will tell you is there are laws against spamming, and unsolicited email is a little bit close to spamming.

There is a difference between what you are doing here and spamming, but a lot of things come down to how many people read your email and decide to mark it as spam. So in this world of cold email, it’s much better to take a slow and steady approach.

Before you go, click here to check out this platform I’ve been using that will help you build your list and establish your brand. Definitely worth checking out.

Just take action.

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