Did you know that YouTube is the 2nd most popular website in the world? It’s true. Over 2 billion people are registered on this platform, and over a billion hours of content are consumed every single day. Suffice it to say, it’s very popular.

But you already knew that. The thing about YouTube is it’s completely free to start a YouTube channel. So basically, YouTube is handing you the keys to a free television show on the 2nd most popular website in the world.


I know that many people do not like the idea of video. They don’t want to show their face on camera, or they don’t have the time to edit video. They don’t want to learn a bunch of fancy editing software, or they have no ideas for content.

The excuses and reasons go on and on, and hey…I respect them all. The truth is, though, and I’ve said this before in this email series but it bears repeating, it doesn’t matter if doing a video makes you uncomfortable.

To get to a new level of success with a project, you will do many things outside of your comfort zone.

There is a reason they call it the “comfort zone…”

…you’re comfortable there. To get to new levels of success, you’ll have to leave that place.

The fact is that whatever your niche is, that market is absolutely represented on YouTube. They are there, and they are your future list subscribers and customers…

…they just don’t know it yet.

The other fact is, there are lots of ways to do video. If you don’t like editing videos, you can do simple live stream videos that you don’t need to edit. If you don’t like being on camera, you can record your screen while you talk.

No matter what your hang up might be, there is a workaround. So let’s get this video strategy going. It’s important, and it’s going to help you build your list.

DAY 8 TASK: Get Your Video Strategy Going

There are many ways you can do video, but I’m going to propose a simple strategy here that will tie into the other things that I’ve already told you to do so far.

Obviously, it’s not the only way you can approach it, but it is a great way to get started and an easy system to adopt. So let’s get into it:

Step 1) Start a new YouTube channel. Use the Gmail that you signed up for when you picked your business name in the beginning. Fill out the basics of your YouTube channel — About section, Banner, etc. Be sure to point a URL at your website.

Step 2) Streamyard. Go over to streamyard(dot)com and open up a free account. These guys will allow you to easily live stream to various social media platforms (including Facebook and YouTube.)

*optional – If you don’t mind being on camera, get yourself a simple webcam. Some computers already have this built in, some don’t.

Step 3) Audio. Get yourself some kind of mic together for recording audio. You can easily pick this up at a local Walmart for less than 20 bucks. If you can’t afford that, there are other cheaper options, even down to free text-to-speech converters online, but I recommend picking up at least a headset mic to be able to record audio. It’s a very small investment for a big payoff.

Step 4) Content. When you send your weekly email to your list, I want you to write down the bullet points of that email. Think about the main point of what you are trying to say in that email.

Step 5) Livestream the Video. Livestream the video to your Facebook using Streamyard. It doesn’t matter about length here. This is about impact. It doesn’t matter if your video is 2 minutes or 10 minutes. Just tell the story of the email. Hit the bullet points. Explain the lesson, and above all, be sure to let them know about your free thing over on your website.

Step 6) Syndicate to YouTube. Next, simply download the video from your Facebook profile, using a simple free online resource like fdown(dot)net, and upload the video to your YouTube channel. Be sure to put a link to your free asset in the description. This strategy will get you at least 1 video a week to your YouTube channel. Those videos are like free commercials for your lead capture page.

Step 7) Embed the YouTube video. Every week, you are adapting your weekly email to your Medium account and your blog. You can now take your weekly video and embed it with your corresponding blog article on these 2 sites. This will add to the value of the articles.

That’s pretty much the whole strategy. It works synergistically with the other stuff you will be doing, and it’s a fairly passive strategy, as those videos will continue to work for you months and even years after you post them, especially on YouTube.

The important thing is to stay consistent, and to always pitch your free thing in every video.

All right, that’s enough for today. In the next post, we are going to be getting into the wide world of cold traffic, but for now, try out this strategy and get your video on! It will pay off in dividends long term.

Before you go, click here to check out this platform I’ve been using that will help you build your list and establish your brand. Definitely worth checking out.

Just take action.





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